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A beautiful Enfield Escort catches my heart.



When we are in love, everything seems so perfect. We have nothing to worry about, and it lightens our feeling. Love is the most beautiful feeling in the world; it is our source of happiness. According to study endless joy is good for the health of a person. Having someone in our side is the most satisfying, we can always lean to our partner when we are not feeling okay. Love will guide us to the right path and help us to become a better person. It will give us the strength to keep holding on and not be carried away by the challenges of life.


I am so lucky that I met someone who makes me happy. Someone that made me complete. I thought I would stay the same, miserable and keep reminiscing about my past relationship. But she taught me to love again and believe in love. She taught me that there is nothing wrong to like, and perhaps the people who pass by in our life are just temporary to leave us a lesson. Life is full of surprises, and the love of my life just came at the right time.


It was a sad past and a nightmare to me. Leah is the only person I love and trust. I thought she wouldn't be the same as my mother, cheater and leave my dad like nothing. I came from a broken family, and as what I have been through, it isn't easy for me to trust anybody else because the last time I give my trust to someone, it failed and I don't want to get the same feeling anymore. I was very devastated by the separation of my parents, right after it, my life has changed. We used to be a  happy and whole family. My parents have been very supportive of me since then. They are my inspiration before; I always do my best to make them happy and proud. But after I know that my mother lied and cheated my father, I feel so betrayed. He just not betrayed dad, and so I am too. She told me that she would be back for me, but the last time I heard from her, is she is happy with her new family and forget me.


I am done with love when Leah did the same thing to me. After all her promises and our moments together, she still chooses to replace me. Until I knew a Enfield Escort, I am grateful because with her I feel safe and secured. She is the only one that has not give me a promise, but I can see in her actions. A beautiful Enfield Escort from catches my heart

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